Tomorrow is something truly special for me- Preview Week for my college courses, with the reason being that this is my final semester before transferring in my 2+2! It took a little longer for me to do two years because I was a part time student, but I'm gonna get my A.A.S. degree hopefully this winter. With that coming up, it will once again be hiatus time...
To be honest, I'm actually not entirely sure what my end goal in life is. Yes, I'd like to do art and design as a career, but my dream job of self employment is a bit vague. I don't know whether or not to do freelance work, just sell my art online and in-person, or do comics as my top priority. It's not something to worry about now since I want to get a Bachelor's degree first, but I fear that I could have a quarter life crisis. Self employment isn't until further down the road as I'd like to start off working collaboratively with a company.
Even so, I worry too much. What's more important that I need to prepare for my next college destination alongside doing my final course requirements. I'll let fate decide what I should do a few years from now.