January 6th- Social update: Hetalia Iceland portrait posted to Artfol.
January 4th- Social update: Hetalia America and Canada button designs posted to Instagram,Cara.
January 1st- Blog update: "2025-01-01 ยป A Hopeful Restart" posted.
I forgor how to code text color backgrounds, and this got me thinking about how I could code some cool things in the future, but I have a Macbook Air. Oh, silly me! I got a new computer for Christmas, I can go back to the Windows OS... Not.
PC was dented, the parts were put in incorrectly, pretty much unusable with terrible graphics. Customer service is taking forever to respond to sending us a new one, damn.
I might as well draw a feral Zundamon in the meantime.
Copyright 2023-2024 by Angelina Mules